Together against the yellow-legged hornet

Waspy: Your partner in the fight against the yellow-legged hornet

The asian hornet: impacts on the environment and the economy

A growing expansion of this asian hornet in France and Europe

+30% bee colonies killed each year

21,770 nests destroyed in Brittany

Growing expansion throughout Europe (+80km a year)

Non-selective and unmonitored commercial traps and bins

Are the trapping instructions really known and followed correctly?

A hornet’s nest consumes around 11kg of insects a year.

No Selectivity of traps ! How many unwanted insects are trapped unnecessarily?

Increasingly significant costs and intervention methods

The interventions are multiple and represent an additional risk for the operator

Presences observed in increasingly numerous agricultural and arboreal areas and impactful.

And you, how do you control this nuisance in your municipality?

Set up a sustainable disinfestation service in compliance with the French national hornet control plan-PNF.

French national plan against hornets 

Waspy offers you a 3-step Service


An on-site diagnosis

Analyze signs of presence and detection of nests of these invasive exotic insects.

Carry out a precise analysis of the number of nests and hornets in your municipality


An innovative implementation of the pest control

Thanks to Waspy technology, you provide your users with connected and collaborative tools.. 


Relevant monitoring for all your stackholders

We are carrying out a local impact study based on the initial diagnosis and the results obtained. You promote your municipality in its sustainable commitment to economic and environmental issues.

Diagnosis and inventory 

During a first meeting we establish a diagnosis of preparation for the implementation of reporting and monitoring of future interventions. It is necessary for us to conduct interviews with your designated stack holders. 

Desired personnel : Members of the Health and Safety department, Managers and members of the technical services. Personnel dedicated to destruction if already named. 

Diagnosis type 

Conducting interviews 

Presentation of the French National Plan against the Yellow-legged Hornet (French NP). Regulatory reminders on the personnel to be hired on the regulations of companies in terms of pest control. 

  • Study with your technical services of the framework of disinfestation interventions over the years spent in your municipality and the means implemented. 
  • Interview with your stakeholders. We will look with you for establishments or structures for support through work that allow people with disabilities in particular to exercise a professional activity while benefiting from medical, social and educational support. We will provide the plans for the WaspTrap bins and guide them to manufacture trapping bins for your municipality.
  • We note the following structures in Europe:
    France: ESAT/EA
    Germany: Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen (WfbM)
    United Kingdom: Supported Employment Services
    Spain: Centros Especiales de Empleo (CEE)
    Italy: Cooperative sociali di tipo B
    Belgium: Entreprise de Travail Adapté (ETA)
    Netherlands: Sociale Werkvoorziening (SW-bedrijven)
    Sweden: Samhall AB
  • Presentation of the Waspy pest control protocol and its usage. 
  • Questions/Answers.

Action plan  

  • Interactive simulation of the existing situation and inventory of reported presences and reports. 
  • Preparation of a long-term communication and engagement plan (We site pages, forms to recrute volonteers in your municipality that will equiped with a bin, etc.) . 
  • Preparation of a 3-year action and monitoring plan. 
  • Presentation to the delegates of your municipality. 
  • Questions/Answers. 
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After this first visit 

After our visit a report will be provided to you. 

This personalized report will present: 

  • A reminder of your municipal objectives in regard to the French national control plan or your country plan if it does exist. This report will consider experience feedback and the possible future with your stakeholders in your territory.
  • A visual map of the presences already recorded. The deduced location of the traps to be deployed.
  • A communications plan for your services.
  • A “Citizen Trapper” Charter and a “Hornet Charter” for nest destruction professionals. These documents are updated with your regional specificities.

Once this report is approved by your technical services, your campaign can officially be launched and communicated this way. We organize the implementation phase with your services and all relevant stakeholders detailed as such in the next step. 

In accordance with our Privacy Policy (GDPR), your personal data is safe on WaspyAdmin and WaspTracker!

We guarantee the anonymity of the statements.

Engage your municipality in a process of cooperation and sustainable service to control impacts on the hornet your local economy and your environment.

Innovative pest control thanks to connected selective capture bins and a mobile application

Waspy has gone all out on the performance of using geolocatable selective bins designed to last thanks to recycling and local sourcing! 

These bins called WaspTrap were designed as a Kit with our partner “Egur Berri” for All-in-One use. 

WaspTrap Bins

  • Kit made of recycled and paraffined wood for longer longevity. 
  • Manufacturing and delivery of the Kit made by Waspy. 
  • “Ready to Assemble” instructions. 
  • Bait provided or distributed annually according to the terms of our agreements. 

They are designed to both selectively attract hornets and facilitate counting individuals. As you will have understood, the aim is not so much to kill the trapped individuals as to avoid trapping unwanted insects. 

Trapping Mode or Observation Mode? 

Trapping mode

Observation mode 

Trapping Mode 

These bins are designed to be used in two modes of positioning the entrance grids. In accordance with the recommendations of the French National hornet Control Plan (PNF), the WaspTrap tank is highly selective thanks to its selective grids/traps and a separation of the bait zone from the passage zone.  

Observation mode 

Outside of the recommended trapping periods, thanks to this clever reversible tilting of the selective grids/traps, the tank transforms into an observation tank and allows the reporting of observations of insect passages without killing them (Tracking). 

Did you say connected?

Connect the User to their municipality to anticipate nuisances! In the interest of efficient collection of reports, the interest is to help anticipate, for our services and the designated pest control services, the expansion of hornets in the municipality. 

We are developing a communicating box for counting and recognition. 

Our box, called Waspod, is designed to automatically identify individual insects passing through the tank. 

This information is valuable for the calculations of our platform and to highlight the density of presence in the municipality and the effectiveness of the Trapping Mode over time. 

Move forward with us and our technology. The Artificial Intelligence of our platform allows us to anticipate presence predictions using the data collected. 

Do users observe a significant number of hornets passing through the bins? An abnormality? A breakage? 

Thanks to a rigid tag/badge system (NFC technology) which has been designed to attach to the bins, your users inform us of their reports using the Mobile WaspTracker application. 

In the 2 positioning modes, the reporting of observed insects is done using the Mobile application. 

Need bait? An abnormality? A damage? your users notify us and inform you. 

Application Mobile WaspTracker

An application for administered citizens

Your users can make 3 types of reports:

– View the nests present in the municipality on an interactive map.

– Request a renewal of bait, or replacement of defective equipment.

– Report any nest spotted in the municipality.

– Report individuals in order to go and search of the nests (Triangulation tracking method with visual landmark positioned on a map).

An application for nest destruction actors or professionals

The professionals who work on the nests in your municipality can:

– Make their own report.

– View in real time on a map the nests geolocated and declared by the administrators.

– Provide the necessary details for their interventions.

Are you a municipality already equipped?

Do you want to use your own bins or have them made locally? 

Waspy does not stop at its own devices, we will do our best to meet your expectations and concerns. 

If the diagnosis we made together requires us to continue with an existing system or a local supply or manufacturing model, we will be able to adapt. 

Within the framework given by the French PNF, we bring our expertise to your stakeholders. 

Whether you choose manufacturing by a service provider in your area or supply highly selective traps, we adapt to your situation. 

Our programmable NFC tags can be attached to any type of highly selective device on the market. In agreement with the French PNF; we consider as a prerequisite for our partnership and the implementation of our proposal. 

Engage your municipality in a process of cooperation and sustainable service to control impacts on the hornet your local economy and your environment.

Ensure a regular monitoring  

Once a year, we ensure this monitoring by developing a decision-making summary. This essential moment is a time of sharing and a return of uses. Based on reliable indicators from the year and past campaigns, these will make it possible to decide on next actions. 

Analysis of active presence

The impact study will take into account the initial diagnosis as well as the results of implementation in your means of control. 

Our report will highlight the indicators: 

  • WaspTrap/Bin not activated 
  • WaspTrap/Bin reported as abnormal 
  • WaspTrap/Bin usage rate 
  • Rates of reported hornets 
  • Rate of non-harmful insects captured 
  • Nests reported during the current campaign 
  • Nests taken in charge in the current campaign 
  • Statistical attendance rate 
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Analysis of resources and methods used 

We conduct interviews with professional Members in your municipality and check methods used during interventions and the usage of Phyto Pharmaceutical Products (PPP). We encourage the use of more ecological techniques (water vapor, aspiration). 

Our report will highlight the indicators: 

  • Error reporting rate 
  • Non-targeted interventions 
  • Targeted interventions 
  • Non-targeted intervention rate 
  • Rate of targeted interventions with use of PPP 
  • Rate of targeted interventions without use of PPP 
  • Total cost of interventions 

Activity certification delivered under number : N070416

détection frelons

In accordance with our Privacy Policy (GDPR), your personal data is safe on WaspyAdmin and WaspTracker!

We guarantee the anonymity of the statements.

Engage your municipality in a process of cooperation and sustainable service to control impacts on the hornet your local economy and your environment.


Our partners

Who are we?


Waspy was created by committed specialist beekeepers dependent on the Departmental Beekeeping Health Group of Pyrénées-Atlantiques – 64.

Project launched in 2021 with students from ESTIA Bidart in the Basque Country, the project was born from a meeting combining their technical expertise with our field knowledge.


Helping communities better manage invasive species

Preserve urban & peri-urban public space and its environment. Together against the Asian hornet!

Equip your administered or those involved in nest removal and better collect their reports.

Waspy’s DNA is the protection of bees and biodiversity with a civic approach.

Waspy promotes a virtuous circle of cooperation between communities, their citizens and pest eradication experts.


GDPR and data processing (check the box to validate the sending of the message)

Would you like a personalized support proposal and know the options offered by our service?


Device to combat the Asian hornet for communities and pest control professionals. The precision solution in the geolocation of sources of nuisance.

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Business hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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