Together against the yellow-legged hornet
Waspy: Your partner in the fight against the yellow-legged hornet
The asian hornet: impacts on the environment and the economy
A growing expansion of this asian hornet in France and Europe
+30% bee colonies killed each year
21,770 nests destroyed in Brittany
Growing expansion throughout Europe (+80km a year)
Non-selective and unmonitored commercial traps and bins
Are the trapping instructions really known and followed correctly?
A hornet’s nest consumes around 11kg of insects a year.
No Selectivity of traps ! How many unwanted insects are trapped unnecessarily?
Increasingly significant costs and intervention methods
The interventions are multiple and represent an additional risk for the operator
Presences observed in increasingly numerous agricultural and arboreal areas and impactful.
And you, how do you control this nuisance in your municipality?
Set up a sustainable disinfestation service in compliance with the French national hornet control plan-PNF.
French national plan against hornets
Waspy offers you a 3-step Service
An on-site diagnosis
Analyze signs of presence and detection of nests of these invasive exotic insects.
Carry out a precise analysis of the number of nests and hornets in your municipality
An innovative implementation of the pest control
Thanks to Waspy technology, you provide your users with connected and collaborative tools..
Relevant monitoring for all your stackholders
We are carrying out a local impact study based on the initial diagnosis and the results obtained. You promote your municipality in its sustainable commitment to economic and environmental issues.
Our partners
Who are we?
Waspy was created by committed specialist beekeepers dependent on the Departmental Beekeeping Health Group of Pyrénées-Atlantiques – 64.
Project launched in 2021 with students from ESTIA Bidart in the Basque Country, the project was born from a meeting combining their technical expertise with our field knowledge.
Helping communities better manage invasive species
Preserve urban & peri-urban public space and its environment. Together against the Asian hornet!
Equip your administered or those involved in nest removal and better collect their reports.
Waspy’s DNA is the protection of bees and biodiversity with a civic approach.
Waspy promotes a virtuous circle of cooperation between communities, their citizens and pest eradication experts.
Would you like a personalized support proposal and know the options offered by our service?
Device to combat the Asian hornet for communities and pest control professionals. The precision solution in the geolocation of sources of nuisance.